An emergency savings fund is something many people talk about, but very few people actually implement. Think about what would happen if you lost your job overnight, had an accident or were unable to work for a period of weeks or months due to an illness? If you don’t have one, read on to find […]
5 Spending Habits to Ditch If You Want To Save For Your First Home Deposit
Saving for your first home deposit is no mean feat. With the median house price in Perth currently sitting at over $500,000, the thought of saving enough to be able to afford a half a million dollar home is enough to make anyone question whether it’s really possible. However, if you look closely at how […]
How To Save A Deposit For Your First Home With LUDA Financial Solutions
When we speak to people, one thing that crops up very often is how hard they find it to save for a deposit for their first home. Getting onto the first rung of the property ladder is a seemingly impossible task for some. The price of rent, coupled with high living expenses in Perth, is […]
6 Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Gas & Electricity Bills
If you’ve checked your gas and electricity bills lately, you may well be shocked at just how much they are. If you have a gas heater in your home you may well have seen your gas bill sky rocket over the winter months, or if you’ve been using reverse cycle air con to heat your […]
Saving For Your Wedding? 10 Simple Tips To Reach Your Goal Quicker
Your wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. So why do so many couples start off their married lives with a massive pile of debt acquired from just one day? A dream wedding doesn’t have to break the bank. If you’re saving for your wedding, follow our 10 simple tips to help […]
14 Simple Ways To Save Money On Your Food Shopping
We all know that groceries seem to be getting more and more expensive here in Australia. With the introduction of ALDI in WA last year, prices have come down a little but there are always more ways to save on your weekly shop. Here are 14 simple ways you can save money on your food […]
8 Things You Can Start Doing Now To Save Money This Christmas
It may only be June but there are less than 6 months until Christmas – eek! We all know that Christmas can be a really expensive time of year. From presents to food, decorations to travel, there always seems to be something else to spend your money on during the festive period. Even if you […]
How Much Can You Really Save From Giving Up Coffee & Other Luxuries?
We’re all well aware that how much we spend on a daily basis affects what’s left in our bank account at the end of the month or the year. But just how much can you really save from making small changes like ditching your daily coffee or making your own lunch instead of buying it? […]
What You Need To Know About Getting Finance
This week we’ve interviewed Ben Needle from Bizi Loans who talks to us about what you need to know about getting finance. Bizi Loans helps people find the best finance options for their circumstances – from car finance to caravan, motorbike, boat and equipment loans, they can help you get the best deal […]
How To Save Money On Your Car Servicing
Most of us will have at least one car in our household so it’s an expense that is just never going to go away. From car insurance to servicing, maintenance, fuel and loan repayments if the car is on finance, cars are not cheap to run. So this month we’ve interviewed Luke Adams from Auto Smart […]